Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Becoming an Actor/Actress is a hard working JOB!!!

Way back in the 1950s an American by the name of Earl Nightingale released a record (this was looooong before CDs were even dreamed of). It wasn’t a song or any kind of music, though. No, it was a spoken-word release, something unheard of in those days. It eventually sold over a million copies, making it the first spoken-word recording to achieve Gold Record status. So why am I sharing this with you? Well… on The Strangest Secret, Earl immortalised these six words: Becoming a professional actor is a NOT a single event. Or, at least, BEING a professional actor isn't. No, it's a PROCESS. Most people I speak to about this have a notion in their heads becoming a professional actor is like getting married or having a baby – it's something you just "do" and that's it – you've "arrived". But anyone who's done either of those things realises they're just the START of something and the real work lies ahead. Getting married is easy – but having a successful marriage takes a lot of work. Having a baby is easy, too – but successfully raising a child takes even MORE work (and no matter how old your kids are it's a never ending task – your kids are your kids even when they're middle aged and you're in the old folks' home). And that's why I want to share with you the step by step process you need to follow if you want to get your acting career off to the best start possible. Once you've started you've still got a lot of work ahead of you, to be sure, but you'll have the momentum behind you to keep going and the necessary skills under your belt to make it as easy on you as possible.
“We become what we think about” Just six, short and simple words strung together in a certain order… but if we pay attention to them they’ll lead us to every success we could ever wish for. But Earl wasn’t talking about idle speculation and wishy-washy “it’d be kinda cool if…” type thinking. He meant the burning desire that all but consumes anyone who has a real dream. So let me ask you: what do YOU think about? Do you REALLY think about becoming a professional actor? Or is it just a fleeting idea you bounce around in your head and maybe share with friends and family from time to time. You know, the old, “I’d love to act… BUT…” thing? Because… “BUT” what, ? Fact is… there’s really nothing standing in your way but your own inaction. If you truly THINK about becoming a professional actor, if it’s CONSTANTLY in your thoughts waiting to leap to the fore at the slightest provocation… … then you’re sending yourself a clear and unambiguous message: you MUST become a professional actor.  NOTHING else will do. ANYTHING else is going to leave you feeling frustrated, dissatisfied and a little empty inside.

  • Please act in front of the mirror and be an honest judge of yourself. To be an actor is about honesty. Its important to be honest to the Character and to be honest with yourself. The audience, (most of them) are not dumb, when you are lying to them, they know and they call it bad acting. You are taking the audience for granted if you fail to be honest thus rendering your performance unbelievable. Respect your audience. They are buying tickets and DVDs that pay your bills. You have a responsibility to them.  

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